Hello, hello!
It's me dropping in again. This time, talking about casting and new projects. I am so, so lucky to be involved in multiple projects right now. (See some of the covers below if you're interested).
I really can't thank you lovely humans enough who have been so kind about and supportive of the narration I have done so far and who have been asking when I will put out more projects.
Realistically, if you want to hear me do more, there are a few things you can do to help make that happen, and this goes for any artist you enjoy, from visual arts to narration to musicians... here they are!
Like and comment! Specifically about the narration you liked or what you liked about it. This helps the artist you like get cast in more future projects!
Mention to your favourite publishers and authors the names of narrators you like and want to hear narrate their projects. It only has to be one line! "Hey, would you ever get so-and-so to narrate?
Share their projects! Seriously, it's so hard for so many of us to market our own work. I can't express to you how helpful your shares are.
Word of mouth. Get your friends to do these things too, it takes seconds, but it means the world. <3